
Whether you are a teacher and use RosarioSIS every day to take attendance or grade students. Whether you are an administrator and use RosarioSIS to manage your school. Whether you love the way RosarioSIS lets you organize and consult things, communicate with other users, or simply want to voice your opinion.

A review is the best way to share your experience with RosarioSIS, the open source Student Information System. What is RosarioSIS best at? What do you like or dislike? Which aspects could be improved?

Other people may be looking for a solution to manage their school or institution, and they will probably read some reviews before making a decision. Write your own review and help others in their search!

Write a review and win a Premium add-on

Write a review about RosarioSIS and receive the Premium/paid add-on of your choice, for free.

Here are the conditions of the offer:

Use Your school or institution should be using RosarioSIS in production
Name You should use your name when writing the review (not anonymous)
Positive Only positive reviews count (4 or 5 stars)
Length Your review should count at least 50 words

Please leave your review on one of those websites:


Once your review has been published, email including

  • a link to your review
  • a link to your RosarioSIS instance
  • the Premium add-on you would like to receive