
Iomad plugin screenshot


Iomad is multi-tenancy Moodle.
This RosarioSIS plugin integrates Iomad with RosarioSIS. RosarioSIS schools are created as Iomad companies.
See the Content section below for integration points.

Translated in French, Spanish and Portuguese (Brazil).



  • Copy School: “Create company in Iomad”.
  • School Information: update company Name, Short Name and City, delete company.
  • Configuration: assign a school to an existing company.
  • Rollover: unassign students from current company and assign to next school year company.


  • Add a User: if “Create User in Moodle”, will assign user to the selected (or all) companies (teachers and administrators only).
  • User Info: unassign user from current companies and assign user to the selected (or all) companies (teachers and administrators only).


  • Add a Student: if “Create Student in Moodle”, will assign user to company.
  • Student Info: unassign student from current company and assign student to the selected company (Enrollment Records).


  • Courses: if “Create Course Period in Moodle”, will assign course to company (not licensed).
  • Schedule: enrol or drop student into/from course.
  • Group Schedule: enrol students into course.
  • Group Drops: drop students from course.
  • Scheduler: enrol students into courses.



Copy the Iomad/ folder (if named Iomad-master, rename it) and its content inside the plugins/ folder of RosarioSIS.

Or, go to School > Configuration > Plugins and upload the zip file of the plugin.

Then, go to School > Configuration > Plugins and click “Activate”.

Requires RosarioSIS 5.8+.

Integrator setup

Install Iomad.

First follow the Moodle integrator setup.

On step 3.4

  • Select Company Manager, Client Course Editor for Allow role assignments
  • Check Allow for all capabilities under section “Block: Iomad Company / User Admin”

After setup, you can enter the Iomad plugin Configuration.


The Iomad plugin can be freely previewed in the online demonstration of RosarioSIS.


  • Author François Jacquet
  • License GNU/GPLv2 or later