TTHotel Smart Locks

TTHotel Smart Locks module screenshot


TTHotel Smart Locks module for RosarioSIS. Manage student or user access, consult Smart Lock records. Access and accounts are of 3 types: NFC card, eKey (via bluetooth and the TTHotel Guest smartphone app), and password.

The module adds 4 menu entries to the Entry and Exit module:

  • Configuration: enter the TTHotel API integration details
  • Smart Locks: add Smart Locks and associate them to a checkpoint. Consult records (unlock, other) of a Smart Lock.
  • Accounts: create (or delete) accounts (NFC card, eKey, or password) for students and users
  • Access: add, edit or remove access to/from a Smart Lock

Each time a user or student successfully unlocks a Smart Lock, a record is added and can be consulted from the Entry and Exit > Records program.

Translated in French, Spanish, Slovenian and Portuguese (Brazil).

Note: the TTHotel Smart Locks module requires the Entry and Exit module to work.

Note 2: for now, only accounts of the “NFC card” type can be created.


TTHotel Windows

  1. Download and install TTHotel Windows
  2. Create an account (email, password). You will use this same account for the TTHotel APP
  3. Enter the lock supplier code (should be communicated by the lock supplier)
  4. Create an hotel for your school

RosarioSIS integration

  1. Open TTHotel Windows
  2. Go to menu Settings > Integration and copy the API Integration details
  3. Open RosarioSIS and go to menu Entry and Exit > Configuration
  4. Save the API Integration details you have copied in step 2
  5. Copy the Callback URL and save it in TTHotel Windows, menu Settings > Integration


Add Smart Lock to TTHotel

  1. Download and install the TTHotel APP (staff) on your smartphone
  2. Login with the TTHotel account you have created on Windows
  3. Add the Smart Lock to the hotel常见问题/智能锁

Smart Lock

Add Smart Lock to RosarioSIS

  1. Open RosarioSIS and go to menu Entry and Exit > Smart Locks
  2. Add the Smart Lock and associate it to a checkpoint

Note: when powered off, the Smart Lock’s time will go out of sync. This can result in denied access with code from lock 25 “unlock by card failed—card expired”. Use the TTHotel APP to synchronize the lock’s time.

E3 Card Reader/Encoder

Create “NFC card” accounts in RosarioSIS

  1. Connect the E3 Card Reader/Encoder to the PC
  2. Open RosarioSIS and go to menu Entry and Exit > Accounts
  3. Select a User or Student and click on the “NFC card number” text input
  4. Swipe an NFC card: the number should be automatically saved

Note: sometimes, the NFC card number you get from the reader will be incomplete. It should be at least 9 digits. In this case, empty the “NFC card number” text input and try again.

G2 Smart Lock Gateway

Connect Smart Lock to Wifi

  1. Open TTLock APP > Click the side menu > Select Gateway > Tap “+” > Select G2
  2. Connect the G2 Smart Lock Gateway
  3. Make sure the light flashes red and blue alternately
  4. TTLock APP, tap the “+” next to the discovered gateway
  5. Select the correct “Wifi Name”. Make sure this is your network
  6. Enter the Wifi password for the selected network
  7. Enter a “Gateway Name” to identify your gateway (e.g. “Primary Gateway”)
  8. Click OK. It takes about a few minutes to complete the setup
  9. Once the gateway is configured, it will automatically search for nearby locks. Please note, that your Smart Lock should be within bluetooth range (3-7 meters)

Add access to Smart Lock from RosarioSIS

  1. Open RosarioSIS and go to menu Entry and Exit > Access
  2. Select a type of account (NFC card, eKey or password) and a Smart Lock
  3. Select a student or user with an account
  4. Select “Add” from the “Action” dropdown
  5. Enter the access “From” and “To” date/time
  6. Click the “Add access” button

Note: under the hood, RosarioSIS is consuming the sciener Open Platform Cloud API v3.



Instant download after purchase.


Copy the TTHotel_Smart_Locks/ folder (if named TTHotel_Smart_Locks-master, rename it) and its content inside the modules/ folder of RosarioSIS.

Or go to School > Configuration > Modules and upload the zip file of the module.

Then, go to School > Configuration > Modules and click “Activate”.

Requires RosarioSIS 11.0+, PHP curl extension, and the Entry and Exit module 2.5+


The TTHotel Smart Locks module can be freely previewed in the online demonstration of RosarioSIS.
Note: Activate the module first if it is not appearing in the left menu.


  • Author François Jacquet
  • License GNU/GPLv2 or later