Hello deepakrajanna
deepakrajanna assigning marks (0-25) each quarter in each course
Then you should create a Grading Scale (reuse the main one?) with 26 grades, from 0 to 25 (menu Grades > Grading Scales).
Then you select this scale for every course period (menu Scheduling > Courses).
deepakrajanna adding up each of the quarters to compute the final score (0-100)
You should create a Grading Scale with 101 grades, from 0 to 100.
Then, at the end of the school year, before entering final grades for the year, you can switch course periods to this grade scale.
So the year final grades are correctly calculated, you should enter the final grading percentages (menu Grades > Configuration):
25% for each quarter, which sums 100% for the Full Year.
deepakrajanna current screens which have GPA, Percentages, Grades, etc are all unfamiliar terminology to our teachers
You can hide percent grades (menu School > Configuration, "Grades" tab).
If you want to rename "Grades" to "Marks", you can start your own translation using the en_US.utf8
pot files, and place the resulting po/mo files inside the locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/
Another solution would be to place the po/mo files inside the locale/en_IN.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/
Where en_IN.utf8
is the locale code for "English (India)". But that would require your server to have this locale installed. So this may not work out of the box and requires server administration knowledge.
That's quite convenient in your case, as you'll only have to translate the terms you want to change. The others will default to American English.
As for the "GPA" term, it means "Grade Points Average". Which terminology do you use in India?